How Google gives the ranking to a website?

What is Google?
As we know that Google is the Biggest Search Engine in the World. As compared to Other Search Engines like Yahoo, Bing(growing Up & Up) can't beat it. Due to its Oldness it has the Wide and Powerful tracking system and one of its biggest reason of Popularity is the Up-gradation of its directory every second. So if you will allow your website indexing then on the very next Second it will be crawled by Google after a Small review.

How Google gives the ranking to a website?
From 1998 when Google was introduced till today Google didn't share any mannual related to Giving its Search Ranking to any Website. So, from our maximum experience with SEO and other Blogs we concluded that the Ranking of any Website in Google Searches depends upon the following aspects.

  • Your Content must be Unique & Rich so People will love to spend time on your Blog/Website
  • You must have to do your Blog/Website's SEO
    • Tags and Labels
  • As i'm saying to create rich & unique Content, contrary to it always use the trendy, popular kewords as tags and labels
    • Repeat your Blog/Web aim in almost every Article
  • Means if you will repeat your Blog aim then will help to make your Blog/website more Popular, i.e; My blog aim is to teach every thing Step by Step and i use to repeat it in almost every Article so People can search you with your working
    • Time spent by User/Visitor's on your Blog/website
  • This is one of the most important thing which your Blog/website must have. Google tracks your every visitor's response, behaviour, clicks and time duration spent on your Platform and then compare this data from other Blog/website. So to impress the visitors must use the interactive and impressive language which will make your every visitor a returning Visitor
The description given above is the most important aspect on which Google updates its ranking Everytime.
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